Wednesday May 15
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Registration Open and Welcome Reception with Exhibitors​
Thursday May 16
7:30 am - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Keynote Presentation
Working Better Together
John Dennis, AmTrust
The focus of this session is based on John's years of experience in the Premium Audit industry that he would like to share with attendees. John will start with why we should work together and discuss why it's difficult to work together, before moving on to how we can work better together and the benefits of working together in a better way.
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Break with Exhibitors
9:45 am - 10:45 am
General Session
Premium Fraud and the Underground Economy
Dominic Dugo, Insurance Fraud Expert & Retired Chief Deputy District Attorney, Vice President of Fraud Division - Delta Group
This session will explain how to uncover, investigate, and prosecute workers' compensation premium fraud and the related crimes of tax evasion and wage theft. Premium Fraud is a $25 Billion a year industry while the Underground Economy is $2 Trillion, Tax Evasion is $700 Billion, and Wage Theft is $50 Billion per year. Objectives: 1) Understand what Premium Fraud entails. 2) How to uncover, investigate, and prosecute Premium Fraud. 3) Learn what is Tax Evasion and Wage Theft, and how they interconnect to Premium Fraud.
10:45 am - 11:00 am
Break with Exhibitors
11:00 am - 11:45 am
General Session
What's Up at NCCI: Research, Filings, and Other Activities
Veruschka Zachtshinsky, NCCI
This session focuses on what is currently going on at NCCI, specifically around research and filings. This includes ongoing research on classifications and rules, along with updates on projects related to the classification system.
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Managers Session
Managers View - CX, EX, & Premium Audit: Elevating Customer Experience in Premium Audit
Verne Houston, EMC Insurance Companies
This session will go beyond defining and explaining customer experience to provide detail on how to measure and coach CX at your organization. It will also delve into the topic of employee experience (EX) as an integral component of any organization's CX.
Auditors Session
Auditors Roundtable Discussion
Haley Kennedy, CopperPoint Insurance - Moderator
This roundtable discussion offers a unique opportunity to engage with peers and industry experts, share experiences, and glean actionable insights for enhancing your ability to navigate the complex relationship with difficult insured clients. We hope to engage in meaningful conversation and share practical solutions to immediate challenges and how to proactively optimize your interactions with insureds.
1:15 pm – 1:30 pm
Break with Exhibitors
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Managers Session
Managers Roundtable Discussion
Nick Holdridge, AFIRM - Moderator
This session will offer an opportunity for interactive discussions to allow managers to leave equipped with actionable strategies and tools to navigate the complexities of managing difficult employees effectively. By fostering understanding, communication, and collaboration, managers can cultivate a positive work environment where all employees thrive and contribute to organizational success.
Auditors Session
Auditors View - CX, EX, & Premium Audit: Elevating Customer Experience in Premium Audit
Verne Houston, EMC Insurance Companies
This session will define and explain customer experience (CX) and relate the concept to your role as a Premium Auditor. It will describe concerns related to CX and methods for providing positive customer experiences in premium audit interactions.
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Break with Exhibitors
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Managers Session
Strategies for Effective Communication and Collaboration
Richard Pope, Steadpoint Insurance Group
Communication is essential for achieving organizational goals. Effective communication can improve teamwork, productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Communication can also be challenging, especially in today’s complex and diverse business environment. This makes communication even more important and requires that we learn and apply communication strategies that can help connect us better with our teams and other stakeholders. This session will look at some of these communication strategies. We will discuss where texting, webexing, zooming, and MS teaming fit in our modern premium audit world with a younger and changing workforce.
Auditors Session
Large vs. Small Audits Panel Discussion
Susan Benson, Arch Insurance - Moderator
Amanda Woodard-Hebert, Old Republic Risk Management
Joan Rubash, CopperPoint Insurance
Josie McCain, DUAL North America
In this session, we will discuss the similarities and differences between auditing large, multi-state and code audits versus smaller, mono state audits. The advantages for physical visits, virtual and hybrid will also be discussed.
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Break with Exhibitors
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Managers Session
Training in a Virtual Environment
Adrianne Sessions, Argo Group
This session will discuss how to better train auditors for work in a virtual world and how the educational offerings NSIPA currently has and is developing can help.
Auditors Session
Evaluating Independent Contractor vs. Employee Status
Kay Payer, Expert Audit Services
The determination of whether an individual is classified as an employee or an independent contractor involves assessing a number of factors. While the specific rules can vary depending on jurisdiction and context, we will spend this session reviewing common criteria used to evaluate employment status and run through several case scenarios.
We'll review common criteria found in: IRS Guidelines; CA's AB5 and it's exemptions; Behavioral Control; Financial Control; Type of Relationship; Common Law Tests. We'll also review industries where worker classification standards may be particularly significant.
Together, we'll review several case studies to determine the existence or non-existence of potential exposures and how to document them.
Friday May 17
7:30 am - 8:30 am
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Keynote Presentation
State of the System
Bill Mudge, WCIRB
Andrea Coleman, WCIRB
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Break with Exhibitors
9:45 am - 10:30 am
General Session
2024 USRP Changes for the Restaurant and Electronics Industries, and Future Classification Studies
Paul Kim, WCIRB
Carrie Kosnik, WCIRB
Based on results of a multi-year study, Classification 9079(1), Restaurants or Taverns – all employees will be divided into 6 new classifications, effective September 1, 2024. The WCIRB will provide a high-level overview of these new classifications, as well also demonstrate a new online self-service tool to help you accurately classify operations that were previously assignable to Classification 9079(1). The WCIRB will also review the two additional Electronics Industry Group classifications that companion Classification 8874 will apply to, effective September 1, 2024. Lastly, the WCIRB will provide a preview of classification studies that are in progress.
10:30 am - 11:15 am
General Session
WCIRB Test Audit Program Updates
Paul Kim, WCIRB
Winnie Tso, WCIRB
11:15 am – 11:30 am
Break with Exhibitors
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
General Session
Underwriting and Premium Audit
Ryan Squatrito, Starr Insurance Companies
12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
1:15 pm - 1:30 pm
Annual Business Meeting & Awards Presentation
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm​
General Session
​Carrier’s Perspective on Working with Vendors and Internal Audit Staff Panel Discussion
David Guman, Arch Insurance
Richard Pope, Steadpoint Insurance
Jason Fox, CopperPoint Insurance
Mike Warner, Builders Insurance Group
Henry H. Reese III, NJM Insurance Group
This session will be a panel discussion offering insurance carrier management perspectives on working with vendors and internal audit staff.
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Break with Exhibitors
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
General Session
Vendor’s Perspective on Working with Carriers and Internal Audit Staff Panel Discussion
Andy Boese, Afirm
Troy Welch, Lowry
Jackie Jaskot, EXL
Lauren Andrist, NEIS
David Christensen, Zoom Audits
This session will be a panel discussion offering vendor management perspectives on working with carrier clients and internal audit staff.
3:45 pm
Closing Remarks