Corporate Membership is open to any company that is engaged in auditing (field, administration, or support services) policies for the determination of insurance premiums (the "Profession"); conditional only upon the payment of dues, and agreement by the member to be bound by the Code of Ethics of the Society.
Membership is open to any company that is engaged in auditing (field, administration or support services) policies for the determination of insurance premiums (the "Profession"): condition only upon the payment of dues, and agreement by the member to be bound by the Code of Ethics of the Society. The membership shall be company-based and the number of individual employee members is based on the numbers below. The company may designate up to 12 individuals with voting privileges. The remaining individuals shall be full members, but shall not have voting privileges. If your company finds that you are one or two or a few more than the cap on the number of employee members, you can have those employees join for a discounted rate of $99 each.
2 to 10 Employee Members $399.00
11 to 25 Employee Members $899.00
26 to 50 Employee Members $1,499.00
51 to 100 Employee Members $2,199.00
101+ Employee Members $2,699.00
With your Corporate Membership, your employees receive all of these great NSIPA members-only benefits and services:
Annual Seminar
The Annual Seminar features speakers presenting topics pertaining to the profession and it is an opportunity to network with others in the field. The Annual Seminar continues to grow each year!
FREE! Webinars
Fellow NSIPA members and industry experts provide members with valuable and current information to enhance and better the industry. Our webinars includes both scheduled and on-demand access.
Professional Certification
Earn your certification to demonstrate your continued advancement in the field of premium audit. NSIPA offers its members access to information on certification programs, including CIPA, APA, and CIPTA. Currently, more than 400 individuals have earned the CIPA designation.
Be an Integral Part of the Profession
As a member of NSIPA, you have the ability to volunteer on key committees and project groups and be able to serve on the its Board of Directors. Volunteering for NSIPA not only demonstrates your commitment to the profession and the association, but also is a way for you to enhance your networking connections.
And Much, Much More
New benefits and services are being added on an ongoing basis!
Not only do your employees get all of the benefits and services NSIPA offers, but your company receives the following exclusive Corporate Member benefits –
Corporate Name Recognition
Corporate members receive name recognition benefits at no additional cost. Your company will be given high visibility on the NSIPA website homepage and in the Membership/Join area of the website.
Job Postings
Each Corporate Membership receives UNLIMITED FREE/complimentary Single 60-Day Job Posting on PremiumAuditCareers.com, valued at $200 per listing.
Vendor Directory
For those Corporate Members who are vendors, the Vendor Directory is now a benefit offered at no additional cost!